

Pursuing Airport Safety&Security

We provide our customers a safe and comfortable airport service by making them a priority in our operations. We will strive to ensure and strengthen airport safety and security through our daily operations of the airport.

Enhancing Functions and improving convenience as a capital airport

We, as a capital airport, will work to provide stable and sustainable functions to maintain the aviation network and ensure the continuity of economic activities.  In addition, we will utilize our experience and know-how in the field of airport operations to enhance and revitalize the convenience of the airport by expanding the airline network by increasing the number of routes and flights. We work always access on behalf of customer at airport service. Prepare and safeguard human resources for such an attitude.

Pursuing High-quality Airport

As the capital airport, we will continue to provide stable and sustainable functions to maintain the aviation network and ensure the continuity of economic activities. In addition, we will utilize the capabilities of the new airport to enhance and revitalize the convenience of the airport by expanding new routes and increasing the number of routes and flights. We will make the airport a "CLOSE" destination, improve amenities and intensify operations.

Хүсэлт илгээх